Apologies right up front to Kelley, who I feel sure is going to hate me.
I never did buy a Matt & Nat bag. I wanted to, but in the end I could not make up my mind about which one to buy. So I didn't buy anything.
Then I got an email from
Billy Bag, I'm crazy about those bags but there's no way I'll ever spend $500+ on a leather handbag.
(Their summer stuff is half off.)
The whole thing was even starting to seem reasonable when I realized that not only do they not have the bag I really want in stock, the shipping was going to be $50.
(Dealbreaker, huh.)
So then I was picking around looking for a possible second choice, and I liked this one the best:
Lauren small. But in brown.
But...it was still a lot of money. So I decided to cruise past Marshall's tonight on the way home. You know, just looking! (Who am I kidding?)
And there, all alone, forgotten, abandoned, hanging on a hook with a lot of showy red faux-croco bags and even looking a bit homely was this
gorgeous bag.
But in brown.A Hobo bag. Ok, I have to be honest, I literally winced as I turned the tag over. Because this bag is absolutely lovely in every possible way. Tiffany blue lining. Choice of two handles. Super soft. Very, unbelievably close to the Billy Bag I liked.
It said $99. And I went over to the nice blonde lady who was stocking the bags and asked her if she'd seen any more. Nope. Would they be on clearance, then? (Still wincing.)
She told me to ask at customer service, I did, long story short...$80. $255 marked down to $80. (I understand it is probably unforgivably frivolous to some of you that I would spend that on a bag, but I would like to submit into evidence exhibit B, which is an Old Navy bag I just bought - and carry - for $8.99. And also, I have ice cream sandwich on my face.)
(Y'all, I have learned something about myself. Unless I got rich, I wouldn't actually spend $255 on a bag. But to know that I got a deal on one? I feel like I have the best secret.)
And I confess I have coveted Kelley's red Hobo wallet, and Kelley, I hope you don't hate me for buying the last bag.
In the grand spirit of decluttering: Would y'all like another contest?
This one is for a Billy Bag. It's lovely but I have owned it nearly a year and never been tempted to carry it. It's brand-new, never used, was given to me. More or less £75 retail (about $150). It's chic (I'm not). It takes a certain personality to carry and orange and brown bag. (It's also from last season, but it's not out of style and very striking, honest.) It has a lovely orange lining and this cool Art Nouveau print and It has brass feet on the bottom, an inside zip compartment, inside zip pocket, cell phone pocket, and another pocket...maybe I don't want to give it away! But here it is...

Leave a comment IN THIS POST by midnight Tuesday July 17 and I'll have a drawing and give away the bag. Your comment should be ONE word that describes the Billy Bag, and ONE word that describes me (Orange. Crazy.) That's it, you have to follow the rules, and anybody who leaves more than 2 words as a comment will not be entered.
On Wednesday I'll do a random-number drawing, and send it off to a happy owner. Don't enter if you don't want it. I want the bag to go to a happy home; it's a good one!