My New Baby

I got it for Christmas. Good thing, too, because my old camera is still taking pictures like this:

That is the Endpaper Mitts pattern from Eunny. The green really is green, and the contrast color is chocolate brown. At the moment I'm not sure how I feel about them. After a long nap and a few days' worth of January, I'll know more.
In other knitting news, I've been working on Hello Yarn's (Adrian's) cable twist socks. They are lovely. The pattern is lovely. I've been working it, for some unknown reason I can only refer to as "the yarn told me to," in self-striping sock yarn. I adjusted the pattern a little, but after two rather lengthy swatches I'm not sure which I like better - a k5, p3 cable worked over 8 rows, or a k6, p2 cable worked over 10 rows. Honestly I like both of them very well. I hoped to get a whole sock done before Tuesday but it's not going to happen. That doesn't matter, but I do wish I could make up my mind. I'll take some pictures tomorrow, with my new camera! Right now it's charging up.
Here's another knitworthy Christmas present:

The Jaeger is soft as butter and I'm thinking of making Grumperina's Shifting Sands scarf with it. (I like my family a LOT for taking the time to buy me this yarn.) It would be a good scarf and there is just enough of it. The sock yarn will be put to good use. It's kind of a twiggy, barky green (not nearly as green as the photo) and looks to make some very comfortable socks. However, I need a quick knit to rekindle my knitting spirit after the holidays, maybe a palate cleanser of some sort. The Endpaper Mitts are very challenging because I basically rewrote the pattern (and I'm not happy with my colorwork), the socks are probably too easy...I am looking for something in between. I have a couple skeins of Cascade Pastanza that are talking to me, but I can't quite hear what they are saying yet.
Oh yeah, New Year's Resolutions? I am not going to stop buying yarn or anything like that. My two resolutions (goals, really) are to knit a sweater this year, and to attempt a Rowan pattern from the lovely book I got for Christmas. I was talking a lady this week at the yarn shop. Her first project was a sweater! Somehow I left that conversation thinking I need to knit one. So here's hoping, but I'm not holding myself to it. My real resolution is "no resolutions." Just do what seems right, next.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, my bloggy friends! Grady is snoring away and it's time for bed. Tomorrow I am going to the Titans game. It's supposed to rain, but who cares?
We apologise for the previous outburst. Those responsible have been sacked.