Things I want to point out from around the web
1. Cara - prayers and good wishes for her husband G. He has a diagnosis of melanoma. Pray the sentinel node biopsy is clean, ok?
2. Anna has a darling photo show of her wedding from years ago, and a new pattern. Did you know that Sirdar Click is only about $3 a ball???
3. To date, Wendy's annual fundraiser for The Heifer Project has raised over $20,000! This is my favorite charity, y'all, and I hope you'll give. Plus, it's fun to sit down with the kids and talk over what gift you'll give. Chicks? Ducks? A goat? Etc. She is giving away lots of fab prizes, don't miss it!
4. Tea Partay! Watch those preppy fellas get down.
Other notes: My friend says she thinks my car problem - weird noises when I turn the wheel - is the axle. Uh...gulp. I hope that is notexpensive serious. I hope I am not getting to the point where I have a $1000 fix every six months or so. That won't do. I'll keep y'all posted. Update: I took the car to the dealer this morning. After riding around in it with me, the guy said it could be just the power steering fluid. Let's hope!
This came yesterday:

I would like everyone to know what a great experience this was. The bag is awesome - perfectly sized, just a little snug so it feels real "safe" and very quality workmanship. The little notes and buttons and doodads in the Happy Days bag were such a nice touch, and she even sent some tissue paper for Fee! (Fee loves her some tissue paper. She can't resist sitting on it.) Check out Malisonian's Etsy store if you want some of your own. This was a custom order - she's good with that.
Today I'm thankful for my Fiber Trends felted clogs. It's 17 degrees outside, but in here, my feet are toasty-warm.
2. Anna has a darling photo show of her wedding from years ago, and a new pattern. Did you know that Sirdar Click is only about $3 a ball???
3. To date, Wendy's annual fundraiser for The Heifer Project has raised over $20,000! This is my favorite charity, y'all, and I hope you'll give. Plus, it's fun to sit down with the kids and talk over what gift you'll give. Chicks? Ducks? A goat? Etc. She is giving away lots of fab prizes, don't miss it!
4. Tea Partay! Watch those preppy fellas get down.
Other notes: My friend says she thinks my car problem - weird noises when I turn the wheel - is the axle. Uh...gulp. I hope that is not
This came yesterday:

I would like everyone to know what a great experience this was. The bag is awesome - perfectly sized, just a little snug so it feels real "safe" and very quality workmanship. The little notes and buttons and doodads in the Happy Days bag were such a nice touch, and she even sent some tissue paper for Fee! (Fee loves her some tissue paper. She can't resist sitting on it.) Check out Malisonian's Etsy store if you want some of your own. This was a custom order - she's good with that.
Today I'm thankful for my Fiber Trends felted clogs. It's 17 degrees outside, but in here, my feet are toasty-warm.
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