Thanks for all the nice stuff y'all said/sent my way this week. :) Sniff!
Grady is home and I wish I could say he's ALL better. He's not. He's certainly doing better than he was - logically, he's now on thyroid medicine so he's GOT to be better than last Thursday - but he's not himself. He's lethargic and just kind of not-right. I don't blame him - he was locked up in a metal box and peed on a towel for five days. It also could be his body adjusting to the meds or the lower level of thyroid hormone. He gets a pill twice a day, and I use
Greenies Pill Pockets to give them to him. He also has an eyedropper antibiotic for his icky teeth. (No cleaning/anesthesia until the thyroid is under control.) That works ... not so well. You have not lived until your cat has flung wet antibiotic juice out of his mouth onto you.
Here is a summary of what happened in any given 15-minute period last night:
1. Schmade wanders in the room, snoops and sniffs around, and finds a place to lay down.
2. I reach over and pet him, or at least mentally note where he is.
3. Fiona walks by, nonchalantly, and just as she reaches him, stops, looks over, and hisses. Walks off. He lifts up his head, blinks at her, and lays back down.
4. Schmade gets up and drinks water.
5. Hides under bed.
6. Comes out, wanders, snoops and sniffs.
I am stopping to by a Feliway refill tonight on the way home. Have I mentioned that stuff is MAGIC? (I am not sure I have. It's a little air-freshener plug in thingy, and moods calm down NOTICEABLY when it's full. But they had reached a truce, so I wasn't filling it up again. Clearly truce is off.)
I think Schmade stinks of the kennel and this is why Fee is hissing. I am going to probably give him a bath tonight or tomorrow.