Finished socks!

Stitch pattern: Diagonal Rib socks, free pattern to IK subscribers
Yarn: Mama-E's sock yarn, Mango Salsa
Needles: 2.5 mm INOX Express circular
Sock pattern: My own hybrid, see Notes
Notes: I worked my favorite toe - with Queen Kahuna's Aloha cast-on, and increased out to 66 stitches. Used my favorite heel - toe up no flap short row and gusset heel. Did the sock toe-up instead of top down. Used the Elizabeth Zimmermann sewn bindoff - this is the easiest, stretchiest, loveliest toe-up bind off ever. I am a total convert and will never again use anything else. In fact, I may rip back my other toe up socks and bind them off this way just for fun. (Prolly not.)
These socks were just difficult enough to not be tv knitting, and too easy to keep me really occupied. Though I love the finished object, I really want to knit some boring old stockinette socks.
Fee says, "Get out of my face with that flashy thing." No, really I just woke her up. She's doing better. Grady was hiding.

Cutest socks!!!! I love the stitch patterning...I'm usually hesitant to use anything like that with hand dyes, but this looks marvelous.
I posted a LOAD of my sock FOs and WIPs on my blog... ;)
Love the socks - great pattern and very nice color. I'll have to take a look at that pattern. I like the way the heels look too.
Hey - thanks for the comment! The Stitchin' Post is in Berry Hill, but you have to go off the beaten path (off Bransford) and go down this windy street off of the main drag. Here's their web site:, which I believe has directions on it. They have a tiny bit of yarn, but the owner is very helpful and friendly. I love it mostly for the vintage needles and patterns. It's definitely worth a visit, though!!
Glad to hear Fee is feeling better.
Lovely socks!
Love the socks! Also, thanks for the hint on how you knit 2 at a time. It works well! ;)
Those are really great!
Great socks! I think I have to make them.
I absolutely LOVE the color of those socks - the stitch pattern, too. They're so cute!
I read your blog a lot, BTW - always interesting and fun!
Great looking socks! I'm glad Fee's doing better.
Lovely, lovely socks! Yours are more appealing to me than the picture on the IK pattern. :)
Hee hee - great Fee expression there.
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