Cowboy Up
That's what the back of the truck window I saw tonight said. It was a sticker. "Cowboy Up." So ok, I'd better.
First, have you seen Eunny's excellent knitting advice column? It's called Unraveling. She publishes twice a week, and it's full of great advice whether you're a novice knitter or ... not. So check it out!
The Aloha & Oreos blog has a post up today about ugly toes in sock-in-progress shots. My apologies!
I'm working on a swatch tonight, nothing exciting folks, move along.
Andrew Sullivan is doing a sort of interesting photo project. It's called "The View from My Window" - submit pics that are what you see, every day. photo won't get published, probably, but I'm starting a meme. You're it if you read this. Take a snap out your window, post it, and tell us why you like the view. You can do it!
This is my backyard, from the patio/dining room. There's a lot more field/trees to the left - this is looking to the right. I love it because it's green, and although I love working in the city, I want to come home to green at night. (Preferably cut and landscaped by someone else, but green.)
The sky is not actually cyan. I don't know what's up with that.

Get posting!
OH, AND - last day to vote for The Codenames at TagWorld! Go to the main site and register a name (or six) and the click here for instructions (just below the songs) on how to vote. Any votes before Tuesday midnight get counted! Please help! (They've been in first for weeks but are suddenly the victims of a vicious spam campaign by a Cheesy White Band. You can do this in five minutes! Please help!)
First, have you seen Eunny's excellent knitting advice column? It's called Unraveling. She publishes twice a week, and it's full of great advice whether you're a novice knitter or ... not. So check it out!
The Aloha & Oreos blog has a post up today about ugly toes in sock-in-progress shots. My apologies!
I'm working on a swatch tonight, nothing exciting folks, move along.
Andrew Sullivan is doing a sort of interesting photo project. It's called "The View from My Window" - submit pics that are what you see, every day. photo won't get published, probably, but I'm starting a meme. You're it if you read this. Take a snap out your window, post it, and tell us why you like the view. You can do it!
This is my backyard, from the patio/dining room. There's a lot more field/trees to the left - this is looking to the right. I love it because it's green, and although I love working in the city, I want to come home to green at night. (Preferably cut and landscaped by someone else, but green.)
The sky is not actually cyan. I don't know what's up with that.

Get posting!
OH, AND - last day to vote for The Codenames at TagWorld! Go to the main site and register a name (or six) and the click here for instructions (just below the songs) on how to vote. Any votes before Tuesday midnight get counted! Please help! (They've been in first for weeks but are suddenly the victims of a vicious spam campaign by a Cheesy White Band. You can do this in five minutes! Please help!)
Heh, I'll have to try this when it's daylight. :) Cool to see what you see!
I so love the phrase cowboy up!!!
Green is much better when it's maintained by someone else!
Green! Well, I'm game for this photo meme, certainly!
I hope you like trees! :o)
I'll give it a try.
I am going right now to take pictures of what is out my windows! I'll post it soon! Nice View you have.
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