Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Wednesday!

Wow, that felt good.

For the record, I'm not *exactly* a Republican. I'm very much in the center, and the issue of Iraq pushes me over to the right.

Take some time today to read this article, written by a speechwriter for Obama, Edwards and Clinton on why she's voting for McCain. I think every woman in America should read it.


As the nation slouches toward disaster, the level of political discourse is unworthy of this moment in history. We have Republicans raising Ayers and Democrats fostering ageism with “erratic” and jokes about Depends. Sexism. Racism. Ageism and maybe some Socialism have all made their ugly cameos in election 2008. It’s not inspiring. Perhaps this is why I found the initial mocking of Joe so offensive and I realized an old line applied: “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party; the Democratic Party left me.”

The party I believed in wouldn’t look down on working people under any circumstance. And Joe the Plumber is right. This is the absolutely worst time to raise taxes on anyone: the rich, the middle class, the poor, small businesses and corporations.

Our economy is in the tank for many complicated reasons, especially because people don’t have enough money. So let them keep it. Let businesses keep it so they can create jobs and stay here and weather this storm. And yet, the Democratic ideology remains the same. Our approach to problems—big government solutions paid for by taxing the rich and big and smaller companies—is just as tired and out of date as trickle down economics. How about a novel approach that simply finds a sane way to stop the bleeding?

That’s not exactly the philosophy of a Democrat. Not only has this party belittled working people in this campaign from Joe the Plumber to the bitter comments, it has also been part of tearing down two female candidates. At first, certain Democrats and the press called Senator Clinton “dishonest.” They went after her cleavage. They said her experience as First Lady consisted of having tea parties. There was no outrage over “Bros before Hoes” or “Iron My Shirt.” Did Senator Clinton make mistakes? Of course. She’s human.

But here we are about a week out and it’s déjà vu all over again. Really, front-page news is how the Republican National Committee paid for Governor Sarah Palin’s wardrobe? Where’s the op-ed about how Obama tucks in his shirt when he plays basketball or how Senator Biden buttons the top button on his golf shirt?

Oh right, this story goes to the sincerity of her Hockey Mom persona. What planet am I living on? Everyone knows that when it comes to appearance, there’s a double standard for women politicians. Remember the speech Speaker Pelosi gave on the floor the day of the bailout vote? Check out how many stories commented on her hair that day and how many mentioned Congressman Barney Frank’s.

Here we are discussing Governor Palin’s clothes—oh wait, now we’re on to the make-up—not what either man is going to do to save our economy. This isn’t an accident. It is part of a manufactured narrative that she is stupid.

(end quote)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this some kind of April Fool's joke in October?


3:11 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...


8:00 PM  
Blogger PatQ said...

Alright, her I go. I have worked for the same company for 31 yrs. I have worked my way up the ladder over those years. My benefits are paid for by my employer. There is no way they will continue to pay for my benefits if McCain is voted in. While I am a middle class worker, with McCains policy I will then be taxed on my benefits. I make a good salary, but nowhere near the $50 million that our CEO receives. No, I do not feel bad that he will have to pay more taxes. He does not deserve, as no one in the world deserves to make that much money. I don't care how smart you are. So it doesn't bother me in the least bit that he will be taxed more. As far as the Palin pick goes, she scares the hell out of me. And I'm not judging her by what the journalists say about her. I'm judging her by what she says about herself. It was a very bad attempt by McCain to attrack the female voters. I would love to someday see a woman in the White House. Just not that woman.
Now on another note, I enjoy seeing your wonderful knitting and seeing the cute pictures of you cats.

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for having the courage to post this! As a conservative knitter, I know where you're coming from, but I have one up from you: I live in Germany and my political views are even more outlandish in the eyes of my colleagues.
And I totally agree with what you said in your previous post, that apparently it's only a huge sucess for womankind if a female Democrat is either being voted into office or appointed. If that's what feminism is all about then I don't want to be a part of it.

12:06 PM  

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