Where good hound dogs go to rest
Warning: LOTS of photos!
Y'all, this place really exists. (For anyone needing a primer on exactly what this is, go here.)
A story, told in pictures. (Astute reader pointed out this is featured in Sweet Home Alabama, and she's right! Thanks!)
Certain things in Southern culture in America belie explanation, and Jeff Foxworthy has made a living talking about the quirks of a certain Southern sub-set. Most things about the South, though, are what you'd call "country" culture - like crumbling up cornbread in your buttermilk and drinking it, or saying y'all, or frying chicken in a pan.
Or giving your faithful coon dog a decent burial.
Somewhere in northwest Alabama is a little town called Muscle Shoals. It sits on the Tennessee River, and way back in the 60s the Stones recorded a little tune called Brown Sugar there. About fifteen miles from where Keith and Mick got their groove on and up a twisty, winding road full of ramshackle barns, falling-down sheds and land that has been lumbered nearly to death lies the Key Underwood Coon Dog Memorial Graveyard. (I would like to state for the record that I had five AT&T signal bars at this place, although I only get 4 at my apartment.)
You have to go a loooooong way out in the country and up a twisty winding road to get here.

It's back in the woods - appropriately.

They have a Memorial Tree.

Only Coon Hounds are allowed to be buried (here).

There are all kinds of graves. I don't know what the flagstone at the end is for on this one.

For some reason I think I liked this one best.

Strait Talkin' Tex: Ability and class in one.

(A lot of them have strange names.)

(For anyone who is wondering, yes, that IS an outhouse in the back.)

All the graves had flowers.

Some had granite tombstones.

This one takes the cake.

This one was cool.

"He was good as the best and better than the rest."

"True Boy"

"Bloodhound Moma"

"Doctor Doom"

Oh wait! That's my new car! (It drives GREAT.) This is part of the reason I've been awol lately. Thank the Lord above I finally found a car. I do miss my old Altima (I drove it 128,000 miles!) but it was time, and this one is a good car and was the right price. Woo hoo!
Y'all, this place really exists. (For anyone needing a primer on exactly what this is, go here.)
A story, told in pictures. (Astute reader pointed out this is featured in Sweet Home Alabama, and she's right! Thanks!)
Certain things in Southern culture in America belie explanation, and Jeff Foxworthy has made a living talking about the quirks of a certain Southern sub-set. Most things about the South, though, are what you'd call "country" culture - like crumbling up cornbread in your buttermilk and drinking it, or saying y'all, or frying chicken in a pan.
Or giving your faithful coon dog a decent burial.
Somewhere in northwest Alabama is a little town called Muscle Shoals. It sits on the Tennessee River, and way back in the 60s the Stones recorded a little tune called Brown Sugar there. About fifteen miles from where Keith and Mick got their groove on and up a twisty, winding road full of ramshackle barns, falling-down sheds and land that has been lumbered nearly to death lies the Key Underwood Coon Dog Memorial Graveyard. (I would like to state for the record that I had five AT&T signal bars at this place, although I only get 4 at my apartment.)
You have to go a loooooong way out in the country and up a twisty winding road to get here.

It's back in the woods - appropriately.

They have a Memorial Tree.

Only Coon Hounds are allowed to be buried (here).

There are all kinds of graves. I don't know what the flagstone at the end is for on this one.

For some reason I think I liked this one best.

Strait Talkin' Tex: Ability and class in one.

(A lot of them have strange names.)

(For anyone who is wondering, yes, that IS an outhouse in the back.)

All the graves had flowers.

Some had granite tombstones.

This one takes the cake.

This one was cool.

"He was good as the best and better than the rest."

"True Boy"

"Bloodhound Moma"

"Doctor Doom"

Oh wait! That's my new car! (It drives GREAT.) This is part of the reason I've been awol lately. Thank the Lord above I finally found a car. I do miss my old Altima (I drove it 128,000 miles!) but it was time, and this one is a good car and was the right price. Woo hoo!
If you've ever seen the movie 'Sweet Home Alabama,' they actually use that cemetery when Reese Witherspoon goes to say goodbye to her old dog.
Yes, I have actually been there, too! And it's WAY off the beaten track. I kept thinking about giving my address as "47 Coon Dog Cemetary Road" and how wierd that sounded!
I know the movie had a Coon Dog Cemetary, but I'm not sure they actually filmed there - maybe they just borrowed the idea? I could be wrong, though.
It was an interesting side trip for us while we were in the area. I don't think many people can say they've been there!
That was great, Jen!
I love it. Those coon hounds probably worked hard for their owners. It is nice they have that tribute. And as the "mother" of two hounds (grey, not coon) they really worm their way into your heart.
Really. How can you not love The South?
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