Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My sock mojo went on vacation

I have to confess, I did work on my orange sock a little bit last week, but then I found an error in the lace pattern on the top of the sock, about 12 rows down, and I had to rip back. Had to. So I've been using my little break to work an awful lot on Glee, and daily progress pictures would be about as fun for y'all as watching paint dry.

So instead of knitting pictures, today we have a weird one of Grady, taken indoors with the Fireworks setting on my camera:

The number one thing you should take from this picture is that tungsten light really is that colour. An example of tungsten light is a light bulb with a filament made of...tungsten! The filament glows when electricity runs through it, and is enough to light a room. It's the regular lights in your house.

All light has colour. Ever wonder why the outfit you thought looked fab in the closet looks dodgy at work? It's probably because you have a tungsten light in your closet (this is one of the things my apartment complex gets right; flourescent lights in the closet so there are no surprises when you get to the office). Flourescents are much more greenish than tungsten light, and colours look differently under it. (So does your makeup.) (When I go to the printer for a press check, I have to look at the press proofs under a special light that is colour-neutral, for this very reason.)

Daylight is the truest representation of colour. This is because your brain does a neat little trick - when you are in any kind of indoor light, it fools you into thinking you are in white light. Daylight. Think of it as a white point in your brain. Your eyes adjust to the colour of light just as they adjust to brightness.

How does this help you as a knitter? Well, take your surroundings into consideration when you take a picture - including light. You can make a lightbox to photograph your knitting, using sheets of posterboard to line a plastic bin. You can use mostly daylight for photos you want to be colour-accurate (but shadows will give you bluish light, and direct sunlight is harsh). The best trick I know is to set your knitting or your cat or whatever is your subject in front of a window that is out of direct sunlight. Windows give wonderfully diffuse light, allow the colour of daylight to be what lights your knitting, and pretty much everything looks good in it.

Happy Tuesday! If you see my sock mojo please send him back this way!


Blogger Annie said...

I know how you feel. For some reason, I've been doing a lot more glass work, and less knitting lately. I've lost my knitting mojo, and really need to get it back!

10:49 AM  

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