Don't try this at home
"Hi Mom, this is Jen."
"Hi Jenny."
"Mom, I just stabbed myself in the hand with a metal knitting needle and I'm wondering if I need to get a tetanus shot."
"Seriously. It's about 1/8" deep."
"...Have you been doing anything particularly dirty with those needles?"
" hands are dirty you know. I don't exactly wash my needles."
"Keep it clean, keep it dry and bandaged and wash it every day with soap."
"The needle?"
In case you are wondering, a puncture wound from a 2.5mm Inox Express hurts like heck.

In the grand spirit of using up scraps, I give you my crazy granny square collection:

(Except that I've already bought three skeins of Patons SWS for this and used up almost two. Ughh.)
I am holding out hope that somehow I can unify it or work on the order enough that it will look like I planned this. Or, I may just scrap everything and go to solids and pick a repeating pattern for the colors. (I am kind of a weird savant about patterns and patterning. I can figure out square roots from number sequences and other crazy stuff.) There are patterns in here, but I am not sure they are obvious to anyone else. The fact that the SWS is self-striping just makes it all kinds ofcrazy interesting.
What do y'all think? Cat blanket?
"Hi Jenny."
"Mom, I just stabbed myself in the hand with a metal knitting needle and I'm wondering if I need to get a tetanus shot."
"Seriously. It's about 1/8" deep."
"...Have you been doing anything particularly dirty with those needles?"
" hands are dirty you know. I don't exactly wash my needles."
"Keep it clean, keep it dry and bandaged and wash it every day with soap."
"The needle?"
In case you are wondering, a puncture wound from a 2.5mm Inox Express hurts like heck.

In the grand spirit of using up scraps, I give you my crazy granny square collection:

(Except that I've already bought three skeins of Patons SWS for this and used up almost two. Ughh.)
I am holding out hope that somehow I can unify it or work on the order enough that it will look like I planned this. Or, I may just scrap everything and go to solids and pick a repeating pattern for the colors. (I am kind of a weird savant about patterns and patterning. I can figure out square roots from number sequences and other crazy stuff.) There are patterns in here, but I am not sure they are obvious to anyone else. The fact that the SWS is self-striping just makes it all kinds of
What do y'all think? Cat blanket?
Labels: granny squares, knitting
Ouch!!!! When was your last tetanus shot? Good to keep current on those anyway, and it usually takes a good puncture wound to remind me to do so. :)
Hmm, maybe a pillow?
Yowch! I worry with my size 1 dpns that I'll sit on it and poke a hole in my leg. A hole in the hand--and where you got it--must be SO painful. take some aspirin/ibuprofen, too!
Owwwww! I hope that you heal quickly.
You should knit a quick bandage.. in STR! :)
owww, that sounds like it hurt. Hope you heal quickly!
I love those squares, to me, they look perfectly matching and ordered. :)
LOVE the granny squares! Okay, I really need to crochet now.
The magic word is DARWIC.
Those squares look beautiful together just the way you've laid them out. Some wonderful cat will be SOOOO lucky to have such a terrific mat to dream on.
Good luck with's great.
Ouch! Serious pain. Try to keep your hand elevated. Good grief, be careful with those little buggers.
I'm totally sending that link to my mum... she will definately identify with the elipses (...)
Also, I may have to start clicking on the 'disabled' button after the security word... somehow, no matter how carefully I look, I never seem to get it right the first go. Do you think that's some kind of sign?
Ouch! That sounds very painful.
There's a nerve center in that area and you're actually very lucky to have missed it. I hope it heals soon.
OOh, I bet that hurt like a bitch! I stepped on a nail a few months back and had a tet. shot, forgetting I'd had one a couple years ago- ow!! Did you know tetanus comes from something in soil?
The squares look fantastic!
Been there, ran a size 0 Susan Bates clear through my hand and out the other side. I love the subtle color changes of the granny squares. Looking forward to seeing the finished blanket.
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