Sunday, January 14, 2007

I am not looking forward to going to sleep

Today I had a pretty productive day. I started out by cleaning out my room, which was generally overcluttered and crowded and not very functional. This is in preparation for a project which will occur later in the month called "Replace the Crappy Mattress." Really! I'm shopping as of this week! (Hence the post title. My back hurts a lot from this bed.)

So anyway. I had a lot of stuff laying about that made no sense and did not a) help relax me or b) help me accomplish things. Like a clothes basket with a ripped pair of pants in it from Abercrombie that have been there at least six months. (You tell me.) So I moved everything out and around and vacuum-cleaned under all of it and decided that what that corner really needed was a Chair. I bought a big round brown chair and the tallest floor lamp known to man.

I was nervous about the chair, and spent a great deal of time thinking about what it might lack.

But really, y'all, despite some misgivings I originally had, it doesn't lack! It looks GOOD. The cats LOVE it. (They were both sleeping under it while I sat all alone on the couch and knitted.) It's very comfy. (Possibly what they sell at World Market is even a tad on the hip side.) Best of all, the room has become someplace I like sitting in, instead of just a sleep and computer room.

Y'all, Grady still won't come out. :)

So I also took another picture of Fee, because she let me, and because Grady was sleeping under the darn chair and that didn't make for a good picture:
Fee is Introspective

And I finished some knitting:
Kimono again

And I tried to review seaming over at Studio Knits but it wasn't happening, so I finished watching 24 and then watched Crossing Jordan (I loved J.D.! Dangit!). And now I am going to crawl into my nicely decorated but crappy mattress and hope my back doesn't hurt too much when I wake up.


Blogger Chris said...

Cute kimono! And are Fee's toes really as furry fluffy as they look?

The changes to your bedroom sound great. I was working on decluttering my bedroom yesterday, too, although I certainly didn't make as much progress as you did!

7:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's going on in the knitblogosphere - CrazyAuntPurl has had an attack of the clean-crazy, Chris has been decluttering, you have been decluttering, the full power of my inner clean-monster has been unleashed on our kitchen (and has totally reorganised our living/dining room).

Is this a response to global climate change? We're all doing our spring-cleaning mid-winter?

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you shop often at world market, sign up for their email-- they send a 40% off coupon once in a while, and *sometimes* it's good on furniture!

9:29 PM  

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