I am tired of knitting this swatch

but I finally got gauge for Sweet. I knit it on 9s, 8s (for Jemima), then 5s (Denise), 6s, and finally in desperation and with a nod to the KnitList chicks, decided maybe my Denise 5s were a teeny bit smaller than my metal Inoxes, and knit it on those 5s - and got gauge. With the #5 Denise I got 6 to the inch. This is a very comfortable 5.5, but it's still not got the body I was hoping for in the fabric.
I am giving myself one week to make a decision - either knit this sweater (which I will have to rename, as I hate "sweet" as a noun) or knit up 4 balls of the silky goodness into a Cozy shawl for Mom, which I've been wanting to make anyway, and which she would greatly appreciate now that she's in a rehab hospital (and might be for six weeks).
In the meantime, I'm frogging all but a couple rows of the baby sweater sleeve and forging headlong with my #7 bamboo dpns. They are not the best needles in creation to use with organic cotton. Trust me, I've tried. But...fortitude! Courage! Temperance! (In the C.S. Lewis sense of the word: "Going the right length and no farther" not some crazy 1890s anti-drinking catchword. Jesus drank wine, by the way. Drinking can't be a sin.)
Fortitude! Courage! Temperance!
PS: Go on over to this blog with a tissue, and read about Catty, and say some prayers for Catty who is going to now be both three-legged and cancer-free...poor Catty, but she'll still be Catty. Poor girl.
(P.S. Kirs - this picture is for you. I don't remember how we decided to do this, but I do remember I was laughing so hard I couldn't stand up.)
I wonder if CS Lewis was the source for the character on Bones (Temperance Brennan)? Sorry that your mom will have a long stay in rehab. Hope it goes smoothly. BTW, DD (8) is swatching for her first sweater, and she laughed when she saw the title of your post! She can empathize.
Oh, I know - poor Catty!! But at least, as you put it, she'll still be Catty.
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