Spring, Thy Name Is Misery
Now if I wanted to drive all my readers north of the Mason-Dixon line away I'd wax poetic about how much I hate spring, but I think my time is better spent simply mentioning that the trees are blooming here, my nose is running, my car is covered in a layer of fine, sticky yellow pollen and I'm generally pretty miserable. If I didn't have a sore throat, I'd be fine.
(I know y'all are dying up there under a ton of snow and I think we need to seriously confront these global-warming people because y'all. It should not snow in the last two weeks of MARCH.)
I'm also neck-deep in a redesign at work, and if you don't count the fact that I'm covered in pencil dust, eraser rubbings and talking to myself in the hallway outside my office on a too-frequent basis, I'm really enjoying myself. (I apologize to the people I share a hallway with for playing the Vampire Weekend album over and over and over every day, too. I'm in a rut.) The truth is, I absolutely love deadlines. You get to feel like you accomplish something every single month. I live for deadlines. I pretend they stress me out, but the stress is part of the fun. (I am not being sarcastic!) I love the predictable ebb and flow of editorial, art, proof, corrections, etc. I love that every month is a blank canvas. Even with allergies.
So I have my new air cleaner running and I'm doing my Neti pot at night and in honor of springtime I cast on another sock. (My mom called me the other day to wish me Happy First Day of Spring, wasn't that awesome?) Somehow I'm a one-project gal these days, and I hope it isn't too boring. Reversi is coming soon. I'm going to artfully hide the differing cuffs in my photos, but y'all know, say it with me: PHOTOS LIE, yes they do. This time we want it to lie and say I'm a knitter who writes down things like how many rows of ribbing go in the sock cuff.

ANYWAY. This is Sundara solid sock yarn in Green Tea, and the pattern is Socks for Veronik from the Interweave Knits Holiday 2007 pattern. (Non-Ravelry users click here.) I love it love it love it, enough to put up with the purling necessary for the cuff and the horrid, wicked, spiteful and mean p3tog decreases, which are tricksy and usually take several tries. I think the trick is to put the needle in farther than it normally goes and work from there. Not sure though - I'm only on the second repeat.
On a more philosophical note, I'm lately heartened by the phrase "this too will pass." Yeah, it sounds all biblical and all, but take this from it: things come to pass, they don't come to stay. The snow will leave and the pollen will go north for the summer.
(I know y'all are dying up there under a ton of snow and I think we need to seriously confront these global-warming people because y'all. It should not snow in the last two weeks of MARCH.)
I'm also neck-deep in a redesign at work, and if you don't count the fact that I'm covered in pencil dust, eraser rubbings and talking to myself in the hallway outside my office on a too-frequent basis, I'm really enjoying myself. (I apologize to the people I share a hallway with for playing the Vampire Weekend album over and over and over every day, too. I'm in a rut.) The truth is, I absolutely love deadlines. You get to feel like you accomplish something every single month. I live for deadlines. I pretend they stress me out, but the stress is part of the fun. (I am not being sarcastic!) I love the predictable ebb and flow of editorial, art, proof, corrections, etc. I love that every month is a blank canvas. Even with allergies.
So I have my new air cleaner running and I'm doing my Neti pot at night and in honor of springtime I cast on another sock. (My mom called me the other day to wish me Happy First Day of Spring, wasn't that awesome?) Somehow I'm a one-project gal these days, and I hope it isn't too boring. Reversi is coming soon. I'm going to artfully hide the differing cuffs in my photos, but y'all know, say it with me: PHOTOS LIE, yes they do. This time we want it to lie and say I'm a knitter who writes down things like how many rows of ribbing go in the sock cuff.

ANYWAY. This is Sundara solid sock yarn in Green Tea, and the pattern is Socks for Veronik from the Interweave Knits Holiday 2007 pattern. (Non-Ravelry users click here.) I love it love it love it, enough to put up with the purling necessary for the cuff and the horrid, wicked, spiteful and mean p3tog decreases, which are tricksy and usually take several tries. I think the trick is to put the needle in farther than it normally goes and work from there. Not sure though - I'm only on the second repeat.
On a more philosophical note, I'm lately heartened by the phrase "this too will pass." Yeah, it sounds all biblical and all, but take this from it: things come to pass, they don't come to stay. The snow will leave and the pollen will go north for the summer.
Shouldn't snow in March? Are you joking? Here in Minnesota we've had an extra day to do our taxes (that would be April 15th) because of blizzards in the past!
And yes, we like it here.
Think of it as a few extra months to wear those delicious hand knit socks.
I'm torn on spring - I definitely want warmer weather, but the time between when the snow melts and the grass grows is BAD for me - it's very, very, very moldy. So I can definitely relate to your misery.
Oof - I remember the first spring that we were in Richmond. I was entirely baffled by the layer of yellow crap all over my car. The pollen's a bit less up here in MD, and I am VERY ok with that. We've been getting hints of spring here, and I'm champing at the bit!
Seriously? I remember one year in high school my mom was still wearing her winter coat in May because we had gotten a snow storm every single week! I'm from Maine and snow into late April is not unheard of!
Hang on, dear. Clutch your Neti pot to you and hang on.
I saw a crocus. It IS spring. OK, so the crocus was buried under the snow.
My favorite is "This too shall pass. It may pass like a gallstone, but it will still pass!"
That sock is on my must knit list, too!
That yarn is beautiful! I've been wanting to try that patterm too. Can't wait to see how they turn out!
The yarn and the sock pattern are awesome! I love that colorway.
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