Interplanet Janet
(She's a galaxy girl!)
Who remembers Interplanet Janet??? Schoolhouse Rock? Come on! :)
Anyway, check it out.
Well, I was going to review my iPhone, but really I don't know all that much about it. I know it does everything I was hoping it would do, but I haven't had that much chance to do anything with it. I love having my phone, calendar, email, and internet in one place. If you're thinking about it as a travel-gadget, I'd say - it's great, really great, if you have WiFi access. Even without any internet access, it's still a useful, entertaining tool. Photographers will love the way their photos look on it - my friends who have them carry pocket portfolios on them (I have Grady and Fee on mine). It works fine speedwise with Edge, but not stunning and you'll need to be patient to surf and play games, especially if you are in a concrete-reinforced building (seems to work better in my car than inside). The maps feature is just plain amazing. I can check the Nashville map while my car is warming up and traffic problems will be highlighted in red! Um, the voicemail is great, the SMS messaging is very easy, and of course it's the best iPod ever. So I highly recommend it! In the doc's office scheduling a followup? Put it in the calendar! Shopping list? Use notes! Need to wake up or set a reminder? Easy as pie! Drive by a place you were trying to give a friend directions to? Text him at the next stoplight! If you primarily use a computer to organize your life and email/surf/text, this is definitely for you. I wouldn't even bother with a laptop for travel. It might be too big to work out with, and you might want an extra dock for your desk at work (I bought one). I think it needs a case - it can be a bit slippery.
It's a bit hard to dial when driving, so make sure you use the Favorites feature. The contacts feature is just plain, but, I think the best thing I've ever heard about it can be summed up like this:
A few months ago I had a photo shoot with a band. Two of the guys had iPhones and it was the first time I'd ever seen one up close, so I asked one of them if he liked it. He said, "If I dropped this on the ground right now and it broke in a million pieces, I would stop on the way home and buy another one before I did anything else."
I'm not *quite* to that stage, but...oh, who am I kidding? Yes I am! :) It's the best gadget ever invented.
Fee disagrees. She thinks the "can opener" is up there in the list. Apparently it's hard to work an iPhone without opposable thumbs.

Grady is picking up a signal from Neptune.
Who remembers Interplanet Janet??? Schoolhouse Rock? Come on! :)
Anyway, check it out.
Well, I was going to review my iPhone, but really I don't know all that much about it. I know it does everything I was hoping it would do, but I haven't had that much chance to do anything with it. I love having my phone, calendar, email, and internet in one place. If you're thinking about it as a travel-gadget, I'd say - it's great, really great, if you have WiFi access. Even without any internet access, it's still a useful, entertaining tool. Photographers will love the way their photos look on it - my friends who have them carry pocket portfolios on them (I have Grady and Fee on mine). It works fine speedwise with Edge, but not stunning and you'll need to be patient to surf and play games, especially if you are in a concrete-reinforced building (seems to work better in my car than inside). The maps feature is just plain amazing. I can check the Nashville map while my car is warming up and traffic problems will be highlighted in red! Um, the voicemail is great, the SMS messaging is very easy, and of course it's the best iPod ever. So I highly recommend it! In the doc's office scheduling a followup? Put it in the calendar! Shopping list? Use notes! Need to wake up or set a reminder? Easy as pie! Drive by a place you were trying to give a friend directions to? Text him at the next stoplight! If you primarily use a computer to organize your life and email/surf/text, this is definitely for you. I wouldn't even bother with a laptop for travel. It might be too big to work out with, and you might want an extra dock for your desk at work (I bought one). I think it needs a case - it can be a bit slippery.
It's a bit hard to dial when driving, so make sure you use the Favorites feature. The contacts feature is just plain, but, I think the best thing I've ever heard about it can be summed up like this:
A few months ago I had a photo shoot with a band. Two of the guys had iPhones and it was the first time I'd ever seen one up close, so I asked one of them if he liked it. He said, "If I dropped this on the ground right now and it broke in a million pieces, I would stop on the way home and buy another one before I did anything else."
I'm not *quite* to that stage, but...oh, who am I kidding? Yes I am! :) It's the best gadget ever invented.
Fee disagrees. She thinks the "can opener" is up there in the list. Apparently it's hard to work an iPhone without opposable thumbs.

Grady is picking up a signal from Neptune.

I'm totally in the same place with my iPhone. I would surrender my car before I'd hand it over.
And anywhere access to Ravelry....don't forget that.
Yes! You're right!
As soon as I saw your post title, the Interplanet Janet song started running through my head. If it sticks, I'm SO blaming you... :D
And it sounds like the iPhone is a great fit for you! Yay!
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