Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Never Use While Sleeping

The 10-hour days just aren't slowing down around here. I'm really trying hard to maintain the tiny shreds of sanity I pretend I have still have left. Here is me and a stupid cardboard cutout in a bookstore at Chicago O'Hare. Did you know his mother is Gloria Vanderbilt?


(I should have put my arm around him. If we are going to do trick pictures...)

Here's one of Fee.


The camera did not love her this morning.

I bought a flatiron that is supposed to be Sally's version of a CHI, and I'm not sure if I like it. I may take it back. Until then I am far, far too over-entertained by the phrase "Never use while sleeping" in the instructions. I seriously don't think they mean "sleepwalking" - I think they mean that you shouldn't straighten my hair while I'm sleeping. "Prepare for any contingency." You know that somewhere some nutter tried to sue them for something related to this.

I finished the left front of Twist and I am one cable repeat into the right front. (Once again, I got to row 19 and realized I was forgetting shaping and had to rip back to 15. At least I wasn't at row 29.) So far I seem to have actually, through some miracle of God and technology and maybe science, made the left front the same length as the back, with the decreases and increases and stuff for the sleeves at the same rows. (At least I hope I have.) (We'll find out.)

I am really enjoying this, but I am not sure I'll be a sweater-knitter forever. I like making toys and socks and other things that have interesting construction and are more three-dimensional. I'm not saying I don't like sweaters, just that they are sort of sloggish and long and require a stick-to-it-iveness I'm not sure I have permanently built into my character. I live on deadlines. The comfort and structure of my life comes from having a "finish by" date.

I'll give it 110% though, and we'll see. Maybe once I'm done and can wear something I made, I'll like it better. For now, I'm just cussing a little - I found a hole in the heel of one of my Elfine's socks. Once again, it looks like it was cut. I think it's Fee.

I'm keeping my socks locked up from now on.


Blogger Knitting Bandit said...

I've knit a few sweaters but have now transitioned over to socks and blankets. For me it was fustrating to put all that work into sweaters and never have them fit just right. Socks, always fit--somebody! But hang in there with that Twist!

7:44 AM  
Blogger pamela wynne said...

Fingers crossed for the Twist! And I love the cardboard photo. Oh, and I'm a big fan of the Solia 1.25-inch flat iron (folica.com) -- much cheaper than the CHI, and just as good in my opinion. But not good enough to use while sleeping. (Alas. When, oh, when will they invent a dangerous appliance I can use while sleeping??)

10:47 AM  
Blogger mrspao said...

Is Fee into eating sweaters? She looks so innocent in that picture though....

10:53 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

I don't know, not sure anything will ever beat the Apple LaserWriter: Do not use your LaserWriter near open flame... What?! I can't barbeque with it?!

12:21 PM  

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