Totally addicted
I am stuck at the keyboard and drooling. It's like crack. I have eyestrain and my shoulders hurt from hunching over the keyboard all day. I added my sock yarn stash to Ravelry today. Hey! Enough to make at least 16 pairs (it's not all in there yet). Then I added a bunch of projects. I've spent hours on Rav today!
IT IS SO FUN TO SEE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE DOING AND QUEUEING. I love it, I love Ravelry, I love knitters and yarn and I love y'all.
All that said, if your name is on the list and you haven't got an invite yet, please be patient with Casey and Jess. They're doing this in their free time, and every time they get a chance they tell the computer to add the next 100 or so names. But almost 5,000 people are queued up to join! There are no favorites (I wouldn't be in if they were only letting in rock-star knitters, you know), just a computer sending out invites to the next bunch on the list. It's still in beta so the doors aren't open yet.
It's so worth it, so just hang in there!
Gratuitous, self-indulgent shots of the latest additions to the stash. The colour is off on these a little - both of them are greener and definitely the same colour family.

(yes, it's Koigu)

That's Louet Euroflax Merlin Avalon - a merino/linen blend. Betty and I thought it was so curious we each bought some. Mine will become socks - it's machine wash and dry! I was initially going to do the Log Cabin Socks from Handknit Holidays but there's a lack of info/interest about this yarn on the web, it's beautiful and feels great so I am thinking about making up a sock pattern especially for it. It's worsted weight, so they will be boot socks or around-the-house socks. Which I love, and make my feet feel loved.
If you want to see the rest of my sock yarn stash, it's posted over at Flickr. Go see! Post yours! So fun to have it all right there with NO DIGGING!
I worked a lot on my Sidewinders today. I got gauge, cast on and I've knitted about 18 rows. It's slow going, but Nona is brilliant, the pattern is amazing, and it's just been fun and a challenge and I get to watch it unfold. I can't get straight in my head the logic of that double-garter stitch for the cuff, so that is slowing me down. This will not be something I can work on when I'm tired. I did a few rows of sleeves today, but mostly I cleaned, hung out on Ravelry and had fun with the boy. A perfect Saturday.
IT IS SO FUN TO SEE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE DOING AND QUEUEING. I love it, I love Ravelry, I love knitters and yarn and I love y'all.
All that said, if your name is on the list and you haven't got an invite yet, please be patient with Casey and Jess. They're doing this in their free time, and every time they get a chance they tell the computer to add the next 100 or so names. But almost 5,000 people are queued up to join! There are no favorites (I wouldn't be in if they were only letting in rock-star knitters, you know), just a computer sending out invites to the next bunch on the list. It's still in beta so the doors aren't open yet.
It's so worth it, so just hang in there!
Gratuitous, self-indulgent shots of the latest additions to the stash. The colour is off on these a little - both of them are greener and definitely the same colour family.

(yes, it's Koigu)

That's Louet Euroflax Merlin Avalon - a merino/linen blend. Betty and I thought it was so curious we each bought some. Mine will become socks - it's machine wash and dry! I was initially going to do the Log Cabin Socks from Handknit Holidays but there's a lack of info/interest about this yarn on the web, it's beautiful and feels great so I am thinking about making up a sock pattern especially for it. It's worsted weight, so they will be boot socks or around-the-house socks. Which I love, and make my feet feel loved.
If you want to see the rest of my sock yarn stash, it's posted over at Flickr. Go see! Post yours! So fun to have it all right there with NO DIGGING!
I worked a lot on my Sidewinders today. I got gauge, cast on and I've knitted about 18 rows. It's slow going, but Nona is brilliant, the pattern is amazing, and it's just been fun and a challenge and I get to watch it unfold. I can't get straight in my head the logic of that double-garter stitch for the cuff, so that is slowing me down. This will not be something I can work on when I'm tired. I did a few rows of sleeves today, but mostly I cleaned, hung out on Ravelry and had fun with the boy. A perfect Saturday.
I can absolutely see it being addictive. That's why I haven't signed up, I think I'd be on there all the time!
I'm in the Ravelry queue, probably around 4,000 or so, but after seeing the preview pictures I'm *so* willing to wait. The site does exactly what I've been trying to force Flickr to do. :)
And of course, when/if I get a Ravelry account, I'll be spending the same hours hunched over the keyboard that I did when I organized my Flickr account. But it'll be worth it, I think.
Ravelry IS like crack! I spent hours yesterday hunched over my key board too. I love looking at other knitters' stash, but I also love being able to easily find others working the same projects I'm working on and reading their comments and seeing how alternate yarns work up. Love all the features that allow me to organize my knitting life - I need all the help I can get!
I'm at row 15 after many many gauge swatches! I thought for sure I was going to get to use my new Curious Creek protoype sock yarn for them, but gauge was off, poop! Koigu it is and lovely at that. Speaking of which, I am in LOVE with those Koigu skeins. Please msg me on Rav with color numbers, would you?
New salon that just opened in Minneapolis: Hairetic. :)
Isn't it fantastic? I will get no work done this week.
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