Monday, November 21, 2005


My brother-in-law's mother Debbie has alpha-1 anti-trypsin, a genetic liver/lung disease that has caused most of her lung tissue to be destroyed by her body. There is no cure. She was diagnosed six months ago and her lung function is currently at 21%. She is on the transplant list for the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL; she needs a double lung transplant. She went on the transplant list in late September with a warning that it would probably take 18 months to get a lung.

Lately Beth and Erik have been very concerned about her, so they decided to go see her this week - at 21% capacity, even a cold could wipe her out, and they are afraid she might not last much longer. Everybody - her family, my family - has been so concerned and worried and praying for her. My aunt is a respiratory therapist, and even she thinks it would be a miracle for her to last through the holidays.

But here's where it gets interesting! Beth, Erik, kids flew down there last night. They got to Daytona at midnight. About five minutes after they arrived, the Mayo Clinic called - they have a lung for her! Less than two months after she went on the list!!!! My sister rode up to Jacksonville with her last night. Debbie is checked in and ready to go. She will find out at noon today if it's a match.

Please, please, put Debbie on your prayer list this morning. She is understandably scared to death - scared of the surgery, but more afraid the lung won't match. I know she will greatly appreciate your prayers. We are all waiting and trying not to get our hopes up too high; this morning has got to be so hard for Debbie.

Thanks so much. Things like this make me realize all over again that God can do anything. That call came 16 months early. Even my mom said "this just has to be the Lord working in her life." (!!)


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