Olympic Update 2
First, thanks for the encouragement! And go check out Julie's blog - she is a good friend to Kirsten.
Hi Julie!
I'm definitely going to make the socks - I'm not a quitter. It's just that fighting my inability to follow directions without getting lost is a process...and I just jumped in with both feet. I should be doing a confidence-building project, but instead I'm doing the equivalent of BASE jumping. I'll get 'er done, but it's going to be hard.
After I posted last I tried to knit a few more rows but my stitch count - and a couple of yarnovers - were hopelessly off. I frogged back to the first row of the repeat (whee!) and reknitted it. This is progress after one pattern repeat -

(looks pretty good! except I need a pedi!)
Schmade says, "Keep that stinkin' flash out of my eyes!"

Fee says, "I'm Feerce!"

(That's her cat condo, consisting of a box, a rug knitted from fun fur, and some old towels. She'd kill me in my sleep if I threw it out. She is chewing on the camera strap.)
Off to watch Tommy Boy, make my feet look nice, paint fingernails, shave my gorilla legs and take a shower. Later!
Hi Julie!
I'm definitely going to make the socks - I'm not a quitter. It's just that fighting my inability to follow directions without getting lost is a process...and I just jumped in with both feet. I should be doing a confidence-building project, but instead I'm doing the equivalent of BASE jumping. I'll get 'er done, but it's going to be hard.
After I posted last I tried to knit a few more rows but my stitch count - and a couple of yarnovers - were hopelessly off. I frogged back to the first row of the repeat (whee!) and reknitted it. This is progress after one pattern repeat -

(looks pretty good! except I need a pedi!)
Schmade says, "Keep that stinkin' flash out of my eyes!"

Fee says, "I'm Feerce!"

(That's her cat condo, consisting of a box, a rug knitted from fun fur, and some old towels. She'd kill me in my sleep if I threw it out. She is chewing on the camera strap.)
Off to watch Tommy Boy, make my feet look nice, paint fingernails, shave my gorilla legs and take a shower. Later!
Looking good so far! Sorry to hear of your tiny problems...hopefully no more for you!!! :) Z
You will triumph over the socks and it will be good.
Hi Schmada! Hi Fee! Chaos sends his regards.
You go girl! Knit those socks up...you boss that knitting around.
Oh Schmade, you're silly. And Fee, those of us who really know you, we know how sweet you are despite your terrible fierce facade...
Knit On, Elfine Sock Knitter!
I think your sock great so far and I proud of your refusal to quit in the face of adversity!! Yay Jen!! :)
Nice sock so far! I've never done a sock from the toe up before. Your cats are so cute! I told my husband that I wish I had cats to photograph. He says I can take pictures of the gerbils, but they don't really have expressions. Keep up the good work!
Jen at yarnpie
Gerbil pics could be interesting! I love it when they run on the little wheels. You could totally do it!
Grady sends regards to Chaos...Fee says "humph." She's kinda like that.
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