Monday, October 17, 2005


Ok, let me say again I have the BEST Secret Pal ever! But I frustrated right now because I went to get a #1 needle today to knit some lovely socks with my lovely lovely SP yarn AND THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY. I have 2's and 3's - great for sport weight, which is all I have done so far. But no 1's! So I was looking forward to expanding my needle collection - BUT I WAS FOILED.

Drat. Drat I say!

So tomorrow I guess I will call another LYS and see if they have one. If not I am going to buy some needles from Knit Picks or something. I need a 4 anyway, I think.

I ordered some lace yarn for myself and worked for two hours last night on a swatch, blocked, went to bed....woke up to a lovely knitted hairball. I mean HOW do people make lace look so ELEGANT, and then I work for hours and sweat and grind teeth and I get a lousy flipping hairball?


I don't like ordering from KP though because they take a long time, and I've gotten 2 packages in the last two weeks (one was from SP!) that lingered in the office for about a day before I got them. And I never got a note, so I had to sort of stop in and check, and that annoyed them about as much as me. So I am not looking forward to doing that again...

but I am going to order some needles. Maybe they have a Crystal Palace bamboo circ in size 1. I hear they had bad joins, then they fixed maybe it will all work out! Or I'll try Webs.

The Cheesecake Factory is supposed to open any day. Guitar Boy and I tried to go today but it's not open yet. I love the Shrimp and Bacon Club. Mom and I always get it in Orlando.

Oh, they appraised her house today for THREE TIMES what they paid for it ten years ago. The realtor thinks they will sell within a week of listing, and they hope to be in Memphis by Christmas. (So nice to not have to trot through airports at Christmas!) Mom applied for her nursing licence today - so they are for real. I have been wondering if they would really do it!

I will miss her pool, though, but it will be nice to see my mom once a month or whatever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the same problem in my apt complex - but ours has another rule - if you don't pick up your package within 4 days, they send it back to the post office!!! The last time I received a package from my Mom, I never received the note saying there was a package waiting for me, and in the end I called the office and was told, "Oh - you're lucky - today was the last day we we were going to hold this package..." What?!?!

So not fair.

I hope the socks knit up nicely - which are you using - the blue or the zinnia?


7:26 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

Whoa, now that is a bit too Draconian for me!

I had in my mind to do the Go with the Flow socks from IK summer 05 in Zinnia. The pattern calls for #1s and makes a size 7-8. I wear a 10, though, so I am trying to figure out how to adjust the pattern to do this. I've only done one sock with a traditional turned heel, so I'm not all that up on how to do a size-up...and there are no other sizes given. So for right now I'm still working on the Camo socks, but I'm applying my mental energy into resizing the GWTF socks.

so we will see...

9:36 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

Or maybe I can just find how the lace pattern repeats and incorporate that into my normal short-row-heel sock. That seems easier...

9:37 AM  

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